Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

This video gives us a clear example of the income inequality that plagues our nation. Please watch this clip and comment what you think.


Posted: October 12, 2013 in Uncategorized

We have seen new technology developed in recent years, but this one takes the cake.  Scientist have engineered a true “Bionic Man” if you can believe that.  Check out this post A Bionic Man?

There is no secret that violent crime in the city of Chicago is out of hand.  Just this weekend over 30 people were shot including a 4 year-old!  This is not the first time an innocent child has shot in a city that appears to be a lawless territory.  Over the past year there have been more people shot and killed in Chicago than American Soldiers in Afghanistan.  Something is definitely wrong with this picture.  There has been no major media coverage of this savagery that seems to rule Chicago streets.  The article Exactly When Does Gun Violence Matter? raises some important question regarding how gun violence is addressed in our nation.  The lack of attention that is given to gun violence in America’s urban centers is sickening.  This would not continue to happen if these shootings took place downtown Chicago?  Today’s article Shyla Rivera, 4-Year-Old Girl, Among The 37 Shot, 4 Fatally, During Chicago Weekend Gun Violence chronicles the bloody weekend.  There have been no CNN reports, Don Lemon has not gone on a tirade about this issue, nor has the Mayor of Chicago or the Governor of Illinois taken action to curb this violence.  In the end of it all poverty begets violence and violence begets ignorant ways, so the only solution has to include a plan to end the main contributor, poverty.

Unemployment is no new subject when it comes to most American’s.  We either know someone who is unemployed or may have been unemployed ourselves over the past six years, but that does not mean we fully understand the complexities that surround this unwanted issue.  America’s unemployment rate has hovered between the 7.9%-9.0% range for quite awhile now, but these numbers only speak to the national average, African-American unemployment is another animal all together.  Historically African-Americans unemployment numbers far exceed their counterparts and in some instances it can be double or even triple that of their white counter parts.  In fact the Dept. Of Labor and Statistics recently reported that African-American unemployment had reached an astounding 13.8% as a national average!  Today,  CNNMoney’s report Black workers’ unemployment gap sheds light on the issue of unequal unemployment in the United States. In fact the report shows how African-Americans with degrees still have a higher unemployment rate than their white counter parts. What we have to realize and accept is that America still has the debilitating issue of institutional racism to deal with. Unless we are willing to address this issue we are no better than our society was before the Civil Rights movement as the dream in terms of equal opportunity has yet to be fulfilled. Please click the above link to get a better picture of the data.


Posted: January 1, 2013 in Uncategorized

Most Americans view the Emancipation Proclamation as a single event that change America forever.  Along with this view they thrust Abraham Lincoln into a position that portrays him as a single leader that changed a nation, however the following article tries to paint a more realistic picture.  The article America’s View Of Emancipation Too Simplistic For Our Own Good gives a better view of the reality that existed during this time of our nations history that has forever affected our current reality.

We have seen some strange news stories this year, but I believe this one takes the cake. In what seems to be the most ridiculous news story that we have read all year the often questionable NYPD has done it again. In April of this year a suspect was killed by a NYPD patrol car and the department has now sent a bill to the family of the suspect for $710! Now you may say, well he was a suspect. The problem is that he was being chased for suspicion of stealing cobble stones from a NYC public housing project and during the chase he was hit by the patrol car and died days later. If this is not a clear-cut example of the NYPD taking things a little too far I don’t know what will have to happen next. This issue should be escalated to the Mayor’s office and the bill should be rescinded immediately. For more information please click the following link:

Please check out the latest article surrounding education in America!  This article gives us a inside look at education in Philadelphia, PA.  Let us know what you think!

If you get the opportunity please watch the below clip regarding the commitment of a Seattle schools towards erasing the “Achievement Gap”.  For those who are unaware the “achievement gap” refers to the educational testing gap between minority students and their white counterparts  This is an issue that has existed in our country for decades, but recently seems to have gained some attention because of the “No Child Left Behind” Act. Please click below:

This could possibly be the most divisive piece of political news that we of the Hope Initiative Party have laid eyes on to date.  Republican political leaders in the state of Michigan want to block a piece of legislation that would grant all Michigan high school graduates free tuition to any state funded public college or university.  This bill would grant any given student $9,600 per year for tuition, which is the median amount for public colleges in the state.  Of course republicans argue that the state cannot afford such a measure, however the democrats have devised a plan to close tax loopholes that have existed for decades to cover the cost.  The fact that republican party leaders are not willing to even explore the measure shows us that they are completely against any type of measure that could possibly promote social equality.  Tuition for colleges and universities are at an all time high in this country and so is the need for subsidy, so why not assist those individuals striving to better themselves and their communities?  Why negate an individuals possibility for a bright future without first testing the waters?  Michigan republicans surely did not hesitate when granting Corporations higher tax cuts, while increasing personal tax rates on the poor and working class.  This type of political behavior seems to be a common chord among republicans across the nation.  A deliberate attack on those individuals who have been deemed the 99%.  The major question is whether or not the 99% will continue to politically allow these tactics to continue or exhibit their political might and create change for the good of the nation and not just their political affiliation.  For more information regarding the bill please follow the link: State Republicans Set To Block Free College Tuition Plan

Make sure you listen to this show that focuses on Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law”

Racial Disparities in the American Justice System 04/22 by HIP2010 | Blog Talk Radio.