Posts Tagged ‘Social Issue’

Take a ride down any North Philadelphia street and you will see children playing outside enjoying in what they perceive to be the last days of their summer vacation, however this years summer break may be extended if Superintendent Hite does not get his way.

The Philadelphia School District has been no stranger to financial difficulty.  Last year the district came up with a plan to shutter some 64 schools by the year 2017, of which 23 of those schools were closed at the end of the 2012-2013 school year.  This so-called cost cutting measure seems to have only put a coin donation in the endless bucket of Philadelphia School District debt.  The district ended the school year in the red for more than $300 million and has been scrambling ever since to try and fill the gap.  It seems that all of the districts cost cutting ideas and pleas to Harrisburg have been failed missions, not to mention the removal of over 3000 district employees.  Now Superintendent Hite is saying unless he receives $50 million from the city by Aug. 16th schools will not open?  All the while city officials engage in a sparing match as to how they could raise the funds for schools.

The problem with this picture is that at no time during the school finance debate have the children that are being affected been mentioned.  It is as if the city, state, and district officials are trying to salvage some floundering corporation whose employees and consumers (students) are expendable.  As a former Philadelphia school district teacher whose school was closed in 2012 this scenario seems to familiar.  The district executes closures, teachers are laid off, students are shuffled from school to school, while city and district administrations payroll continues to go unaffected.

This school finance issue has to be attacked from a completely different angle.  The city can no longer depend on funds from Harrisburg to fund Philadelphia schools under  Gov. Corbett’s republican regime.  The city must take alternate action to solve this issue the same way they took action to remove former Superintendent, Arlene Ackerman, who was paid close to $1 million dollars to leave the district with the help of private funds.  The city also seems to have disposable income to beautify city halls “lawn” at Dilworth Plaza at an astounding $70 million price tag, but cannot figure out how to adequately fund city schools.  It seems that Mayor Nutter needs to reach out to the same deep pocket friends he used then, to make sure schools are not only opened, but also opened adequately.  After all the $50 million is just enough to fund what Sup. Hite is calling a “bare bones” budget, which does not include Assistant Principals, Noon-Time Aides, or other necessary school personnel not to mention simple necessities like books and other school supplies.

 At the end of all this are the students of the Philadelphia School District whose educational futures are being played out before them with no input of their own.  The students who were already entering school buildings that were in some cases unfit for occupation with leaking ceilings and heating/cooling equipment that worked part-time at best.  These students will continue to suffer until someone in power takes responsibility for their actions and creates a school funding plan that pays the ransom, but at the same time creates a system that looks nothing like it does today.

For a brand of athletic shoes that arguably owes its success to small mom and pop stores Nike seems to have forgotten how they rose to become one of the biggest brands in the world.  In a recent story covered by CBS3 Philly Nike pulling its items off some local store shelves Nike is said to be terminating contracts of urban athletic shoe stores.  This cancellation issued without any justifiable cause could possibly cause several stores to shutter their doors.  This action by Nike is a blatant slap in the face to all of the mom and pop stores who have helped Nike’s business thrive.  This is also an action that consumers should not sit by ideally and allow big business to once again reap the benefits of the community and then cast them aside once they feel they have become a “premium brand”.  For a link at the exclusive report click the above link.

Poverty has been an issue that has been given a lot of attention by H.I.P Wire and quite frankly it seems as if we have not given enough attention to this topic.  If you look through our archive of blog post you will see poverty from all angles and sides for this is an issue that strikes all Americans.  Poverty seems to be on everyone’s minds except the 1% and the government, which seem to have an immunity that no one else shares.  The problem is that these elected government officials have contracted a proverbial case of amnesia, which seems to have removed the fact of how they got into office.  Both Democrat and Republican have removed the core of their constituency from their agenda.  This is an outrage that should not and cannot be tolerated if we as American Citizens are to have hope for any type of positive future.  Recently an article titled “Missing in Action”: Congress Ignores America’s Poverty Crisis was published by Huffington Post.  This article gives various examples of how America’s poverty rate has continued to increase to levels that have not existed for decades.  The article also speaks to the fact that our government has ignored this issue and currently does not have poverty on its agenda.  One thing that is for certain the general public cannot simply decide to forget about poverty and our government should not have the option either.  Please click the link above or read some of our earlier post for a more in-depth look at this issue.

This years Presidential election in many ways will be one for the history books.  For the second time in as many Presidential elections, Americans turned out in record numbers to choose the leader of our nation and at the same time made history by re-electing the first president African-American President in post-constitutional America, but there is another historic events lurking just beneath the surface of things.  Prior to what turned out to be one of the most contested elections in modern history several American businesses vowed to layoff workers and raise prices if President Obama was re-elected and the day of reckoning has come.  Many of those “American” businesses have followed through with their threats and laid-off workers while others are threatening to raise prices on their products.  One such business owner, John Schnatter of Papa John’s has threatened to slash workers hours and increase prices due to the “Affordable Care Act”.  There are several company’s threatening the same action.  The issue at hand is whether we as American citizens should support companies that threaten the lively hood of fellow Americans based on the results of our political process.  This seems to be some sort of political-backlash because the process did not work in their favor.  At no other time in the history of our nation have such things happened.  How far are the Corporate American Honchos willing to go to assert the fact they want a republican controlled government?  At some point we must stand against the corporate machine and hit them where it hurts; their pockets!  For a list of companies that have made these threats follow the link:

Please check out the latest article surrounding education in America!  This article gives us a inside look at education in Philadelphia, PA.  Let us know what you think!

In what could possibly be the worst political decision in decades we find our nations top political leaders tittering around the notion of eliminating the Federally funded unemployment extensions. As we all know state funded unemployment only last for 26 weeks, which equates to a little over 4 months. With record high unemployment in most urban centers we could be headed for the worst economic climate since the great depression. Many economist have already concluded that there are more unemployed African American men now then any other time period since the “Jim Crow Era”. How can we as a nation allow such rampant disenfranchisement in the public and private sectors of employment? Not to mention the fact that those who were employed and are now receiving unemployment benefits may lose those benefits in a climate of economic uncertainty. I do not think the American people nor our politicians can afford the fallout if these benefits are allowed to wither away. For more information follow the link:

Today the U.S. Senate made a move to make things just a little bit harder for those who need assistance the most. According to,0,2117959.story legislation that will cut SNAP benefits or food stamps has made it through the Senate. The most disturbing fact about the article is that Democrats have signed on and voted to cut food stamps as well. If I’m not mistaken are these the same people who claim to have “main streets” interest at heart? We are at a time in our country where unemployment is ramped and our economy is at a continuous stand still. So how can a government that is suppose to serve “the people” justify removing necessary aid to citizens who have no alternative? This problem is not an isolated issue nor will it be the last. We have a major election coming up and the voices of the American people have to be heard or else we will continue to receive the same type of governmental policies that neglect those who need assistance and assist those who don’t! For more information click the above link.

This is a interesting article worth reading.  Here we find a group of known white supremacist who were attacked by an anti-racism group in a town just outside of Chicago.  The fact that both of these groups consisted of  caucasian males gives us an interesting glimpse into how activism is changing in our country.

’They got walloped’: Masked group attacks alleged white supremacists in Illinois restaurant.

This could possibly be the most divisive piece of political news that we of the Hope Initiative Party have laid eyes on to date.  Republican political leaders in the state of Michigan want to block a piece of legislation that would grant all Michigan high school graduates free tuition to any state funded public college or university.  This bill would grant any given student $9,600 per year for tuition, which is the median amount for public colleges in the state.  Of course republicans argue that the state cannot afford such a measure, however the democrats have devised a plan to close tax loopholes that have existed for decades to cover the cost.  The fact that republican party leaders are not willing to even explore the measure shows us that they are completely against any type of measure that could possibly promote social equality.  Tuition for colleges and universities are at an all time high in this country and so is the need for subsidy, so why not assist those individuals striving to better themselves and their communities?  Why negate an individuals possibility for a bright future without first testing the waters?  Michigan republicans surely did not hesitate when granting Corporations higher tax cuts, while increasing personal tax rates on the poor and working class.  This type of political behavior seems to be a common chord among republicans across the nation.  A deliberate attack on those individuals who have been deemed the 99%.  The major question is whether or not the 99% will continue to politically allow these tactics to continue or exhibit their political might and create change for the good of the nation and not just their political affiliation.  For more information regarding the bill please follow the link: State Republicans Set To Block Free College Tuition Plan

On two completely different ends of the highly filtered spectrum that is known as Flint and Flint Township tragedy struck with abandon. On one end lay Ryan Stinson a 42 year old Gulf War Veteran who was shot and killed ins…

via Sovled vs. Unsolved Race and Homicide Cases in Flint, MI « H.I.P Wire.