Posts Tagged ‘Political’

Segments of our government seem to be ever so slowly, but surely attempting to remove essential programs that assist those in our society that need help the most.  Please see this excerpt from the article House Republicans Stripped Food Stamp Provisions From Farm Bill and read the article in its entirety:

“For as long as I can remember their have been Food Stamps.  As a child growing up in the late 70’s and early 80’s I often wondered where people got that funny looking book of money from.  As a preteen with an older cousin who had a baby my father would procure cheese that came in a big brown box from her.  She too would then hold the colorful money.  Later, that year I discovered their true purpose; food.”

This could possibly be the most divisive piece of political news that we of the Hope Initiative Party have laid eyes on to date.  Republican political leaders in the state of Michigan want to block a piece of legislation that would grant all Michigan high school graduates free tuition to any state funded public college or university.  This bill would grant any given student $9,600 per year for tuition, which is the median amount for public colleges in the state.  Of course republicans argue that the state cannot afford such a measure, however the democrats have devised a plan to close tax loopholes that have existed for decades to cover the cost.  The fact that republican party leaders are not willing to even explore the measure shows us that they are completely against any type of measure that could possibly promote social equality.  Tuition for colleges and universities are at an all time high in this country and so is the need for subsidy, so why not assist those individuals striving to better themselves and their communities?  Why negate an individuals possibility for a bright future without first testing the waters?  Michigan republicans surely did not hesitate when granting Corporations higher tax cuts, while increasing personal tax rates on the poor and working class.  This type of political behavior seems to be a common chord among republicans across the nation.  A deliberate attack on those individuals who have been deemed the 99%.  The major question is whether or not the 99% will continue to politically allow these tactics to continue or exhibit their political might and create change for the good of the nation and not just their political affiliation.  For more information regarding the bill please follow the link: State Republicans Set To Block Free College Tuition Plan

Finally in a feat that almost seemed impossible to happen a Fox News host admits what many of us have already know.  H.I.P. Wire wrote on this very subject just last week, however it seems that the conservative news network is also in agreement.  Fox News Host Chris Wallace expressed his opinion on the numerous Republican debates and actually classified them as ‘Stupid”.  Now he did not do as we did and go so far as calling the candidates stupid, but you have to admit if an individual continues to do stupid things you  have to begin to wonder about them being stupid as well.  In any event check out the article for yourself and let us know what you think.

We have consistently reported on the issue of whether or not the republican candidates where the best and the brightest of their party and now we see that we are not the only ones who feel the same way.  Many American political activists have stepped forward and made clear assessments of the validity of all of the current candidacies drawing the same conclusions, that none of the current representatives running for the Republican Party are competent enough in social and political affairs to adequately become the President of the United States.  This view is also shared by foreign officials namely Fidel Castro.  In the article Fidel: GOP Primary ‘Greatest Competition Of Idiocy And Ignorance Ever’ Mr. Castro made his own assessment of the candidates.  The fact that foreign officials have viewed and also made the same assessments as American citizens says a lot.  It says that they American public continues to either not care about the political process or are so blinded by the glitz and glamour associated with some candidates that they do not care whether they can adequately run our country.  We collectively fell for the proverbial “okie doke” with George W. Bush and that should be a lasting testament of how wrong the political process can go.  In order force change in Washington D.C. we have to create a social consciousness that incorporates an environment where politics becomes just as popular as the latest social media website or the latest app in the apple store.  Please make sure you read the article above for insight on how others view our political process.

We have reported some things in the past but we think this takes the cake.  When will we finally admit as a nation that we are not ready for a President who does not fit the usual mode, white and male.  There is not much to say about this one, just click the link and let us know what you think.

Fox Pundit Suggests Obama Looks Like ‘Skinny, Ghetto Crackhead’

Last year President Obama signed into law a provision that would correct a wrong that has been perpetuated since the late 80’s. Many of us know that crack cocaine convictions carried a heavier sentence than those for powder cocaine and since most crack cocaine convictions involve black or brown suspects this practice went on for years.  So President Obama saw fit to right a criminal justice wrong.  With that said this summer more than 13,000 inmates will be eligible for early release.  These 13,000 inmates will be released to an economically collapsed society that at this moment has nothing to offer them.  These same inmates will unfortunately find it difficult to obtain employment and possibly fall back into the same pitfall that placed them in prison to begin with.  There has to be some type of program that can re-engage these individuals back into society to prevent them from falling back into a system that makes money off of their slave like labor “The Prison Industrial Complex”.  Political leaders must stand just as they did to get these sentences lowered to have systems put into place to educate and train these individuals in 21st century technology jobs that will guarantee them some type of gainful employment.  For more information on this article please see the following link: Crack sentence cuts begin, thousands may go free

On the Sunday morning talk circuit U.S. Representative Ron Paul stated that if he is elected president he would do away with The Department of Education as well as The Federal Student Loan Program!  Every leading nation in the world has a government ran education department that controls primary and secondary education.  If the Department of Education is eliminated than many states would revert to setting low educational standards to boost graduation rates.  We have already seen an increase in cheating on state standardized test, so without any federal government oversight this would merely clear the way for a watered down education system that would not prepare students for life after high school.

Life without the Federal Loan Program would force most American’s out of college all together.  According to the report 3.6 million American students took out federal loans in 2009.  This number reflects 5,900 institutions.  Let’s face it most American’s cannot afford college as it is and if student loans are not available more than likely these same students will not go to college.  This could potentially mean that 3.6 million americans would go uneducated, which would in turn mean that the majority of these same students would become unemployed because they would not have the skills necessary to obtain employment.  If these same students are now unemployable then that would mean American companies would have an even smaller pool of employable Americans to pick from as employees.  The removal of either of these institutions would prove to be disastrous for our country and most of all the 99%!  For more information follow this link: Federal Student Loans by the Numbers

Hope Talk Radio The Occupy Movement The Jobs Bill 10/12 by HIP2010 | Blog Talk Radio.

Make sure you listen to this thought provoking discussion!

Red States as of 2010

Some of the most picturesque views in our country stream from the rural south, Its backdrops have long been used in movies, books, and artist renditions, but now these same picturesque views are being clouded with poverty.  The U.S. Census Bureau recently released a report that states 46.2 million of U.S. citizens currently live in poverty.  This is the highest number of Americans in poverty since the U.S. Census Bureau began collecting these statistics.  Within these numbers we find that 40 percent of African-American children live in poverty.  While these numbers are staggering they do not account for all of those who teeter just above the $22,351 that classifies a family of four as impoverished. Even more disturbing is a report from 24/7 Wallstreet that listed the top 10 poorest states in the country that revealed of the 10 all but one were in the south.

On the outside these statistics would seem to be expected, let’s face it the majority of southern states have been in economic ruin since before the Civil Rights Era. The thing that we all should take notice of is the fact that these same states historically vote Republican in all major elections.  Not to mention that many southern states have a high population of African-Americans, such as Mississippi, which has some counties in which the majority of the population is of African descent.  How do you explain their voting habits or lack there of?  The old saying goes, “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” but it’s hard to remember this rule when you have not been feed in a while.  The Republican Party continues to rely on the southern voting pool to win elections, but has yet to provide any substantial economic benefit to its constituents’.  The mystifying part of this relationship is that the Southern voter seems to have somehow forgotten the relationship between politician and constituent.  Meaning, I vote you into office and you the politician in turn provide representation at the national and state governmental level that will address the needs of our communities.  They seem to have allowed racial, religious, and historical feelings cloud their judgment concerning their own economic future.  How can such a large population of people ignore their own civil right for economic justice?  Or do they care more about old hang-ups that should have died after a war that was fought over 200 years ago.  The answers to these questions seem to be obvious, but make no logical sense.  Many people in the south have fought long and hard political battles to try and overcome such treatment by the political right to no avail.  Their voices seem to always be drowned out by politicians backed by the minority rich southern businessmen who flood their campaign coffers with lavish donations and plans to thwart any political resistance.

The only way to combat such tactics is to model the historic “Freedom Riders” utilizing all modern social media outlets and grassroots movements.  The “Freedom Riders” mobilized mostly in the north and traveled south during the civil rights era to push for social justice during our country’s Jim Crow Era and the Civil Rights Movement.  The big difference between now and then is that we have a population who has allowed themselves to be mental taken out of the political process.  In America we need a political movement such as that which took place in Egypt all via social media.  We need a movement throughout the rural south composed of all races, colors, and creeds lead by the youth who utilize these outlets as their lifelines.  Then and only then will we be able to break the cycle of political poverty that continues to plague our country.

J. Lee

Call it coincidence since yesterday’s blog post was about poverty in the south, but once again I must address the issue.  Today, an article posted on Yahoo News reports a kindergartener brought a crack pipe and a bag of crystal meth to school for show and tell.  Now in my opinion this is one of the saddest stories that I have ever read.  This ridiculously pitiful event took place in rural Missouri yet again another red state.  Not that such a thing could not happen anywhere else in a nation that seems to be plagued by poverty, which eludes to high unemployment rates correlating to high crime and escapism through illegal drug use.  The problem is that now our adult issues (political bickering) have now created an economic situation that is clearly affecting the adults, which has now trickled down to the children.  Clearly this child must see these things so often that it has become a part of what this child views as normal.  This is where the line has to be drawn.  We cannot just say punish the parent and take the child away.  This has become a systemic problem that has to be addressed through all levels of society.  Poverty in and of itself creates negative situations and circumstances that cannot just be prosecuted away.  For more in-depth information click the link below:

Kindergartener brings crack pipe, meth for show-and-tell