Archive for January 18, 2011

The republicans are definitely moving forward with their agenda even on the state level.  How do you get half the states in the nation to join in on the same lawsuit, we’ll tell you how have State Attorney Generals all mostly from the same political party!  Please click the link below:

26 states join Obama health care lawsuit in Fla. – Yahoo! News.

Many of us throughout the U.S. know little of Camden, NJ.  The one thing that we do know about Camden is that for at least the last decade Camden has appeared on “The Most Dangerous Cities” list consistently.  Now with a state budget in the red and a city budget that finds itself in the same predicament the city has decided of all things to cut the police force in half.  Many cities are facing deep negatives in regards to their budgets, but can Camden afford to lose half of a police force that has for years had problems dealing with the criminal element in the city.  For detailed information click the link below:

Camden, N.J. laying off police and firefighters – Jan. 17, 2011.