Archive for January 24, 2011

Is it just us or are many of the Tea Party and the rest of the Conservative Republicans forgetting that our country was also founded on the principle of  “Religious Freedom”  Please click the link below:

Allen West: Keith Ellison The Antithesis Of Principles Upon Which Country Was Founded VIDEO.

Once again we have another example of a republican in office who has forgotten the rhetoric they spoke regarding government policy during their campaign.  How many times do we need to see these examples before we realize that republicans only dislike policy until they need the same policy they bashed.

Please click the link below:

Mike Lee Supports FEMA Funds For Utah After Calling Federal Disaster Relief Unconstitutional.

It appears that Governor Rick Perry must have forgotten that he said he did not approve of “Bailout” funds.  I guess you forget what you say when a huge deficit stares you in the face.  Please click the link below:

Texas Governor Rails Against ‘Bailouts,’ But Uses Stimulus To Prop Up Budget.


This has to be the most reprehensible case of vigilantly school districts in recent history.  We here at H.I.P are very concerned with education in this country and if this is how suburban districts plan to treat parents, what will happen if the republicans get their voucher system passed.  Please watch the video below: